Babel 7.22.13 šŸ’¾

Babel is a code translator, which compiles next-gen EcmaScript 6 syntax into browser-consumable ES5/JavaScript. It adds a few proposed ES7 constructs even, and works with React, Node.js, Rails, etc. It provides for: array comprehensions, arrow functions, async functions, async generator functions, classes, class properties, computed property names, constants, decorators, default parameters, destructuring, exponentiation operator, for-of, generators, generator comprehensions, let scoping, modules, module export extensions, object rest/spread, property method assignment, property name shorthand, rest parameters, react, spread, tail call optimisation, template literals, type annotations, unicode regex support.

minor bugfix: (2023-08-28). #### :house: Internal. `babel-helper-tures`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-bind`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-preset-env`. Improve helper-tures (@JLHwung). #### :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Revert. `babel-parser`. Revert "Do not record trailing comma pos when `maybeAsyncArrow: false`" (@nicolo-ribaudo).

MITL javascript ecmascript nodejs compiler conversion es6 es7 developers

Highlight 4.8 šŸ’¾

Highlight converts sourcecode to HTML, RTF, LaTeX, TeX, SVG, Pango, BBCode and terminal escape sequences with coloured syntax highlighting. Language definitions and colour themes are customizable Lua scripts. It provides a plug-in interface to tweak syntax parsing and coloring. LSP servers can be used to add semantic highlighting.

minor bugfix: - updated astyle lib to version 3.4.6 - updated yaml definition - omit size property in BBCode output if `--fragment` is set - allow font size unit with `--font-size` for HTML and ODT output - GUI: updated Japanese translation

GNU GPLv3 documentation text-processing html latex

Artistic Style 3.4.6 šŸ’¾

A Free, Fast, and Small Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C#, and Java Source Code.

minor bugfix: * added VS2022 project files * fixed CS regressions * added CS coalesce assignment operator * fixed padding of following a comma * fixed indent of function declarations following access modifiers * fixed indent of C# allocation blocks * fixed indentation of comments after CS interpolation quotes

MITL formatting indentation

ObjFW 1.0 šŸ’¾

ObjFW is an extremely portable, lightweight Objective-C framework and runtime that supports the latest Objective-C features.

major feature: + First stable release with stable API and ABI. * Too many changes to list, as it has been almost 6 years since the last release. See commits in the repository for details.

QPL objc objectivec objective c framework runtime

libmp4tag 1.2.0 šŸ’¾

An MP4 tagging library where all tags can be accessed and modified and any tags, unknown tags or custom tags are never lost when the audio file is updated. A list of known tags is only used when new tags are added.

minor feature: 1.2.0 beta 2023-8-28 * Bug Fixes: * Fix crash when taglist is present but empty. * Recognize more files as mp4. * New Features: * New mp4tag_set_binary_tag() routine. * Added wiki documentation.

Zlib library c audio video tagging mp4

libmp4tag 1.1.1 šŸ’¾

An MP4 tagging library where all tags can be accessed and modified and any tags, unknown tags or custom tags are never lost when the audio file is updated. A list of known tags is only used when new tags are added.

major feature: 1.1.1 beta 2023-8-27 * Bug Fixes: * Build now works on FreeBSD. * New Features: * mp4tag_preserve_tags, mp4tag_restore_tags are now implemented. * mp4tagcli: Added --copyfrom/--copyto to test preserve/restore.

Zlib library c audio tagging mp4

gradle 8.3 šŸ’¾

Gradle is an open-source build automation tool focused on flexibility and performance. Gradle build scripts are written using a Groovy or Kotlin DSL.

minor bugfix: The Gradle team is excited to announce Gradle 8.3. This release features the support for persistent Java compiler daemons to speed up Java compilation. Gradle will also use less memory for dependency resolution. The effect is significant, particularly for large builds such as Android builds. Gradle now supports running on Java 20. For Kotlin DSL, build authors can try out the Kotlin K2 compiler for build logic with some limitations. See the Kotlin DSL dedicated section for more information. This release also brings several usability improvements, including better CodeNarc output, a dry run mode for test execution, improved output for task options, and upgraded SSL support.

Apache build-tool c c++ groovy java kotlin

Vim 9.0.1789 šŸ’¾

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

minor feature: patch 9.0.1789: too early declaration of variable in pum_set_selected() Problem: too early declaration of variable in pum_set_selected(). Solution: Move declaration to where it is actually used. Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt lt; gt;. Co-authored-by: mathew lt; gt;.

Other text-editor ide vi vim

PuTTY 0.79 šŸ’¾

PuTTY is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator.

minor feature: Windows installer scope is back to the normal 'per machine' Setting, reverting 0.78's security workaround... Note: this means that installing the 0.79 or later Windows Installer will. not automatically uninstall 0.78, if 0.78 was Installed using its default 'per user' scope. In that situation we Recommend uninstalling 0.78 first, if possible. If both end up Installed, uninstalling both and then re-installing the new version Will things up.. Terminal mouse tracking: support for mouse movements which are not Drags.. Terminal mouse tracking: support for horizontal scroll events e.g. generated by trackpads).. Backwards compatibility : certificate-based user authentication. Now works with OpenSSH 7.7 and earlier.. : in a session using the 'Raw' protocol, pressing D twice in the terminal window could cause an assertion failure.. : terminal output could hang if a resize control sequence Was sent by the server (and was not disabled in the Features panel) But PuTTY's window was set to non-resizable in the Window panel.. : GTK PuTTY could fail an assertion if a resize control Sequence was sent by the server while the window was docked to one Half of the screen in KDE.. : GTK PuTTY could fail an assertion if you tried to change The font size while the window was maximised.. : the 'bell overload' timing settings were misinterpreted by Unix PuTTY and pterm 0.77/0.78; if any settings were saved using These versions, confusion can persist with newer versions.. : SSH authentication banners were not reliably printed if a Server sent one immediately before closing the connection (e.g. Intended as a user-visible explanation for the connection Closure).. : the '' command in PSFTP always reported failure, so That ending a. psftp -b batch script with it would cause PSFTP as a whole to believe it had failed, even if everything worked Fine.. : certificate handling would do the wrong thing, for RSA Keys only, if you specified a detached certificate to go with a PPK File that had a diffe

MITL win32 putty ssh telnet terminal-client file-transfer ftp tftp

OpenSnitch 1.6.3 šŸ’¾

OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall. Key features Interactive outbound connections filtering. Block ads, trackers or malware domains system wide. Ability to configure system firewall from the GUI (nftables). Configure input policy, allow inbound services, etc. Manage multiple nodes from a centralized GUI. SIEM integration

minor bugfix: Only GUI packages updated. Bug fix Fixed error when setting DefaultAction to the daemon after connect to the GUI (#1017). What's Changed Introduce Sqlite WAL journal mode by @lainedfles in #1011

GNU GPLv3 firewall c

OpenSnitch 1.6.2 šŸ’¾

OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall. Key features Interactive outbound connections filtering. Block ads, trackers or malware domains system wide. Ability to configure system firewall from the GUI (nftables). Configure input policy, allow inbound services, etc. Manage multiple nodes from a centralized GUI. SIEM integration

minor feature:

GNU GPLv3 firewall c

TypeScript 5.2.2 šŸ’¾

TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript and adds optional static typing to the language. TypeScript is designed for the development of large applications and transcompiles to JavaScript.[4] As TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, existing JavaScript programs are also valid TypeScript programs. TypeScript may be used to develop JavaScript applications for both client-side and server-side execution (as with Node.js or Deno). There are multiple options available for transcompilation. Either the default TypeScript Checker can be used, or the Babel compiler can be invoked to convert TypeScript to JavaScript.

minor feature: Cherry-pick for cross-file inlay hints to `release-5.2` and LKG. Co-authored-by: Maria JosƩ Solano lt; gt;.

Apache language develop script

FreeType 2.13.2 šŸ’¾

FreeType is a freely available software library to render fonts. It is written in C, designed to be small, efficient, highly customizable, and portable while capable of producing high-quality output (glyph images) of most vector and bitmap font formats.

minor feature: I. MISCELLANEOUS - Better support for CFF2 variation fonts. - TrueType interpreter version 38 (also known as 'Infinality') has been removed. - Improved OpenVMS support.

Mixed fonts library render c

LimeSurvey 6.2.4 (build 230825) šŸ’¾

LimeSurvey is a web application that interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, or Postgres to develop surveys, publish surveys, and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created, data can be inserted into the survey either by a "pretty" public screen which presents each question one at a time, or by a quick and nasty data entry screen. It includes the capacity to generate individualized "tokens", so that invitations can be issued to participants. It also has the capacity to set conditions on whether questions will display (branching), numerous question types, and a basic statistics function.

minor feature: New feature: Import survey lss file via command line (lajosarpad). CR-1285: User should be able to reorder questions within a group of an activated survey (Mohab E). CR-1285: Allow the user to rearrange questions within an activated survey within a group (Mohab E). CR-1272: Upload Install button on admin theme tab shouldn't be there (Mohab E). CR-1243: survey default languages removal alert (Mohab E). CR-1230: Deactivate survey - wrong name of the responses table (Mohab E). Send email only to participants with partial responses - should not be available for anonymous surveys (Kevin Foster). security XSS Reflected via import file function (Gabriel Jenik). Updated translation: Italian by lfanfoni. Updated translation: Italian (Informal) by lfanfoni. Updated translation: German by c_schmitz, maren.fritz.

GNU GPL survey php mysql mssql postgres

VCV Rack 2.4.1 šŸ’¾

VCV is a virtual Eurorack DAW. VCV Rack is the engine powering VCV modules. Add modules, connect cables, edit parameters, and save/load patches. Create generative patches with your mouse, perform with your MIDI keyboard controller, or connect it to your favorite DAW using the Rack Bridge VST/AU plugin (coming soon). In Rack, control voltages and audio signals are equivalent, so you can modulate parameters with sonic-range VCOs to create customizable FM synths or chaotic wave-shaping oscillators. If you already own a modular synthesizer, you can enhance your setup with an audio interface supporting CV signals or a CV-MIDI-CV interface module with Rack's CV Interface (coming soon).

minor bugfix: Improve module browser search order. Library menu plugin update items not being re-enabled when downloading is completed. Rack Pro. - discarded MIDI input messages for all plugin adapters. API. - Add `LightButton` to component library. - Use SSE4.1 intrinsics in `simd::trunc`, `floor`, `ceil`, `round`, and `fmod` to improve performance.

BSDL artistic-software multimedia audio mixers daw

CherryTree 1.0.1 šŸ’¾

A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file. Features: rich text formatting and colorization, syntax highlighting, images handling, embedded files, lists handling, simple tables, codeboxes, text/image/table alignment, hyperlinks, spell checking, cross application copy/paste, export to html or plain text, table-of-contents generation, extensive search function. It can import from Basket, Cherrytree, Epim html, Gnote, Keepnote, Keynote, KnowIt, MemPad, Notecase, TomBoy, Treepad Lite, TuxCards, Zim.

minor feature: Overwrite confirmation not working when saving as new multifile storage. Crash on. Xorg crash / wayland warning caused by popup menus without a parent. Paste content copied from column edit mode not working in codeboxes. Highlight current text line to be disabled when the text loses focus or when the text is in column mode. Reverted 'on windows, paste image from clipboard to take priority over html target...' causing paste from spreadsheet cells generating a picture instead of a table. Default keyboard shortcut for increase/decrease table column changed to Ctrl+Alt+ Ctrl+Alt+ as Ctrl+) isn't working on windows. Added new stock icon light bulb / internet of things IoT. Added option 'recent_docs' in config.cfg to be set to false in order to not remember the recent documents. Incomplete languages: ar, el, fi, hi_IN, hr, ja, lt, pt.

GNU GPLv3 gtk c text-editor note-taking

ugrep 4.0.3 šŸ’¾

Ultra fast grep with interactive query UI: search file systems, source code, text, binary files, archives (cpio/tar/pax/zip), compressed files (gz/Z/bz2/lzma/xz), documents, fuzzy search, and more. A faster, user-friendly replacement for GNU/BSD grep.

minor feature: Released 4.0.3 Add --delay=DELAY option to specify a default query TUI delay e.g. in the.ugrep config file with delay=DELAY; a GNU grep option -m compatibility.

BSDL utilities system-administrators developers

Babel 7.22.11 šŸ’¾

Babel is a code translator, which compiles next-gen EcmaScript 6 syntax into browser-consumable ES5/JavaScript. It adds a few proposed ES7 constructs even, and works with React, Node.js, Rails, etc. It provides for: array comprehensions, arrow functions, async functions, async generator functions, classes, class properties, computed property names, constants, decorators, default parameters, destructuring, exponentiation operator, for-of, generators, generator comprehensions, let scoping, modules, module export extensions, object rest/spread, property method assignment, property name shorthand, rest parameters, react, spread, tail call optimisation, template literals, type annotations, unicode regex support.

minor bugfix: (2023-08-24). #### :: `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`. : fully remove TS nested type-only exported namespaces (@yangguansen). `babel-types`. : definition of TS function type params (@danez). `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-transform-dynamic-import`, `babel-plugin-transform-export-namespace-from`, `babel-plugin-transform-json-strings`, `babel-plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators`, `babel-plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-numeric-separator`, `babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-private-property-in-object`. (standalone): strip archived syntax plugins (@JLHwung). `babel-core`. Support configuring cache in ESM configs (@nicolo-ribaudo). #### :house: Internal. `babel-parser`. Do not record trailing comma pos when `maybeAsyncArrow: false` (@JLHwung). `babel-core`, `babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-proposal-destructuring-private`, `babel-plugin-syntax-decorators`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-preset-react`, `babel-register`, `babel-traverse`, `babel-types`. enable jest/no-standalone-expect (@JLHwung). `babel-core`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime-corejs3`, `babel-runtime`. bump json5, terser and webpack, further minimize babel helpers (@JLHwung). Other. Use Babel 8.0 alpha to build babel (@JLHwung). Exclude redundant files from publish process (@JLHwung). #### :microscope: Output optimization. `babel-plugin--v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-optional-chaining`, `babel-preset-env`. Simplify `?.` ou

MITL javascript ecmascript nodejs compiler conversion es6 es7 developers

opentrack 2023.2.0 šŸ’¾

opentrack is an application dedicated to tracking user's head movements and relaying the information to games and flight simulation software. opentrack allows for output shaping, filtering, and operating with many input and output devices and protocols; the codebase runs Microsoft Windows, macOS, and GNU/Linux.

major feature: fix crash on startup with very long environment PATH (issue #1661, reported by @wfurney13). video/opencv: apply bugfixes for Windows 11 and enable Media Foundation input. tracker/pt: improved color keying for overexposed pixels (issue #1665, by @tombrazier). tracker/eyeware-beam now has a 32-bit version (by @eyedav). tracker/aruco: enable 1080p resolution. filter/nm: new 'Natural Movement' filter (issue #1666, by @tombrazier). proto/simconnect: fix high CPU usage on FSX (issue #1670, by @tombrazier). filter/hamilton, filter/ewma: minor fixes (by @tombrazier, issues #1671 and #1667). proto/vjoystick: link to the fork with a working Windows 11 driver version (issue #1700, reported by @ackalker)


libmp4tag 1.1.0 šŸ’¾

An MP4 tagging library where all tags can be accessed and modified and any tags, unknown tags or custom tags are never lost when the audio file is updated. A list of known tags is only used when new tags are added.

major feature: Initial Release

Zlib library c audio tagging mp4

Praat 6.3.15 šŸ’¾

Praat is a speech analysis tool used for doing phonetics by computer. Praat can analyse, synthesize, and manipulate speech, and create high-quality pictures for your publications. Praat was created by Paul Boersma and David Weenink of the Institute of Phonetics Sciences of the University of Amsterdam. Some of Praatā€™s most prominent features are: Speech analysis Speech synthesis Speech labelling Grammar models Statistical analysis

minor bugfix: SpeechSynthesizer: improvements in ##Get phonemes from text...#. Scripting: @`part#`, @`part##`, @`selected #`.

GNU GPLv3 speech analysis

Vim 9.0.1783 šŸ’¾

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

minor feature: patch 9.0.1783: Display with virt text smoothscroll and showbreak Problem: Wrong display with wrapping virtual text or unprintable chars. 'showbreak' and 'smoothscroll'. Solution: Don't skip cells taken by 'showbreak' in screen lines before. "w_skipcol". Combined "n_skip" and "skip_cells". Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt lt; gt;. Co-authored-by: zeertzjq lt; gt;.

Other text-editor ide vi vim

sysklogd 2.5.2 šŸ’¾

BSD syslog daemon and syslog()/syslogp() replacement API for Linux, provides 100% support for RFC3164 & RFC5424, unlike rsyslogd et al.

minor feature: Update changelog and bump version for v2.5.2 Signed-off-by: Joachim Wiberg lt; gt;.


PowerShell Core 7.4.0-preview.5 šŸ’¾

PowerShell Core is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools and is optimized for dealing with structured data (e.g. JSON, CSV, XML, etc.), REST APIs, and object models. It includes a command-line shell, an associated scripting language and a framework for processing cmdlets.

minor feature: 7.4.0-preview.5 - 2023-08-21. Breaking Changes. Change how relative paths in `Resolve-Path` are handled when using the `RelativeBasePath` parameter. Engine Updates and. dynamic parameter completion. Use `OrdinalIgnoreCase` to lookup script breakpoints. Guard against `null` or blank path components when adding to module path. deadlock when piping to shell associated file extension. completion regression for filesystem paths with custom `PSDrive` names. Add completion for variables assigned by the `Data` statement. a null reference crash in completion code. General Cmdlet Updates and. `Out-GridView` by implementing `Clone()` method to replace old use of binary format serialization. Support Unix domain socket in WebCmdlets. Wait-Process: add `-Any` and `-PassThru` parameters. Added the switch parameter `-CaseInsensitive` to `Select-Object` and `Get-Unique` cmdlets. `Restore-Computer` and `Stop-Computer` should fail with error when not running via `sudo` on Unix. Add Help proxy function for non-Windows platforms. Remove input text from the error message resulted by `SecureString` and `PSCredential` conversion failure. Add `Microsoft.Powershell.PSResourceGet` to the telemetry module list. Code Cleanup. lt;details gt;. lt;summary gt;. lt;p gt;We thank the following contributors! lt;/p gt;. lt;p gt;@eltociear, @Molkree, @MartinGC94 lt;/p gt;. lt;/summary gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;use of lt;code gt;ThrowIf lt;/code gt; where the arguments were reversed lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;typo in lt;code gt;Logging.Tests.ps1 lt;/code gt; lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Apply the lt;code gt;InlineAsTypeCheck lt;/code gt; in the engine code - 2nd pass lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Apply the lt;code gt;InlineAsTypeCheck lt;/code gt; rule in the engine code - 1st pass lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Remove unused string completion code lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;. lt;/details gt;. Tools. Give the `assignPRs` workflow write permissions. T

MITL powershell shell

GitLab 16.3.0 šŸ’¾

GitLab is a development collaboration tool and git DVCS frontend. It includes repository management features, code reviews, an issue tracker, activity feeds and wikis. GitLab provides fine-grained access control, user management, 5 permission levels and branch constraints, and can utilize LDAP/AD intranet authorization. Powered by Ruby on Rails it comes as open source package, and as commercial supported enterprise version.

major feature: (2023-08-21). ### Added (169 changes). Add metrics for Dependency Management actions (gitlab-org/gitlab@305f5bfc638fd693c447bdaed844df90184ea37f) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!129481)) GitLab Enterprise Edition. Adding new application setting called ci_max_total_yaml_size_bytes (gitlab-org/gitlab@accf6c4c29c8e306a836e870c087e183fb6fba64) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!123129)). Add default_branch_protection_defaults in groups apis (gitlab-org/gitlab@dd442e7a643070257fd9cf4f44801e597cf7963c) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!128760)). Add documentation for multi pipeline scan result policy feature (gitlab-org/gitlab@7d0147bbe197e39f7f377184124620344ff58bd4) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!128126)) GitLab Enterprise Edition. Adds CatalogResourceComponents table (gitlab-org/gitlab@c5ffadd08f57532e30c9651585b2017e05f46b78) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!127775)). Add popover for Flux sync status badge (gitlab-org/gitlab@32fe79fe61b43adbf1634948022381e36cb0d4cc) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!129098)). Adds `to_redacted_sql` support for ClickHouse QueryBuilder (gitlab-org/gitlab@2208b24e261ce25ffd2cf734bb1ed4422a509e7e) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!128933)). Remove ci_namespace_catalog_experimental (gitlab-org/gitlab@d30d57d8eba8d86021063b9741e5086d646b62d4) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!129299)). New default branch protection json field (gitlab-org/gitlab@b20292728aed75e734e5b021e3697d5ba50f4974) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!128577)). Allow to select flux resource for environment (gitlab-org/gitlab@9a8ec346b5e8b9ed42e8cc4aba383a47151b5cd6) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!128857)). Adding WAL rate db health indicator (gitlab-org/gitlab@f7d35e30da51edf0dd24dafef9aa491d71d52241) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!128365)). Support themes in "super sidebar" navigation redesign (gitlab-org/gitlab@d51d6d7adb2137c3eebb54d661041dd02229d800) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!127990)). Introduce rake task for

MITL ruby ruby-on-rails git dvcs wiki bugtracker version-control

git 2.42.0 šŸ’¾

Git is a distributed version control system, originally designed for Linux kernel development and large projects with non-linear workflows. It's comprised of individual tools, reuses ssh and rsync protocols, emphasises speed and data integrity, and keeps every checkout as full-fledged repository, and cryptographically authenticates source history. Various graphical frontends, IDE integrations and web services (GitHub) exist; with its git-fast-export format meanwhile serves interoperability with bzr, hg, fossil, svn.

minor feature: git pack-refs" learns "--include" and "--exclude" to tweak the ref, hierarchy to be packed using pattern matching. 'git worktree add' learned how to create a worktree based on an, orphaned branch with `--orphan`. "git pack-objects" learned to invoke a new hook program that, enumerates extra objects to be used as anchoring points to keep, otherwise unreachable objects in cruft packs. Add more "git var" for toolsmiths to learn various locations Git is, configured with either via the configuration or hard-coded defaults. 'git notes append' was taught '--separator' to specify string to insert, between paragraphs. The "git for-each-ref" family of commands learned placeholders, related to GPG signature verification. "git diff --no-index" learned to read from named pipes as if they, were regular files, to allow "git diff

GNU LGPL c git scm vcs dvcs

LimeSurvey 6.2.3 (build 230821) šŸ’¾

LimeSurvey is a web application that interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, or Postgres to develop surveys, publish surveys, and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created, data can be inserted into the survey either by a "pretty" public screen which presents each question one at a time, or by a quick and nasty data entry screen. It includes the capacity to generate individualized "tokens", so that invitations can be issued to participants. It also has the capacity to set conditions on whether questions will display (branching), numerous question types, and a basic statistics function.

minor feature: CR-1253: email validation (Mohab E). General settings default value is NULL (K Foster). Default answers should persist with subquestions (K Foster). Updated translation: Japanese by d_inoue, nomoto. Updated translation: Finnish by Jmantysalo.

GNU GPL survey php mysql mssql postgres

DBeaver 23.1.5 šŸ’¾

DBeaver is a free multi-platform database tool for developers, SQL programmers, database administrators and analysts. Supports all popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, Teradata, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, etc.

minor feature: Cb 3787 custom options in connection dialogs for ce 1 3 CB-3787 add additional parameters for database configuration. CB-3787 add url fields. Co-authored-by: Daria Marutkina lt; gt;.

GNU GPL database front-end sql java

Gitea 1.20.3 šŸ’¾

Gitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Gitea is a fork of Gogs. See the Gitea Announcement blog post to read about the justification for a fork. Purpose The goal of this project is to provide the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across all platforms and architectures that Go supports. This support includes Linux, macOS, and Windows, on architectures like amd64, i386, ARM, PowerPC, and others.

minor feature: BREAKING. the wrong derive path. SECURITY. API leaking Usermail if not logged in. FEATURES. Add ThreadID parameter for Telegram webhooks. ENHANCEMENTS. Add minimum polyfill to support "relative-time-element" in PaleMoon. dark theme highlight for "NameNamespace". Detect ogg mime-type as audio or video. Use `object-fit: contain` for oauth2 custom icons. Move dropzone progress bar to bottom to show filename when uploading. Remove last newline from config file. Minio: add missing region on client initialization. Add pull request review request webhook event. text truncate. incorrect color of selected assignees when create. Display human-readable text instead of cryptic filemodes. Hide `last indexed SHA` when a repo could not be indexed yet. the topic validation rule and suport dots. due date rendering the wrong date in. Don't autosize textarea in diff view. commit compare style. Warn instead of reporting an error when a webhook cannot be found. . Use "input" event instead of "keyup" event for migration form. Do not use deprecated log config options by default. "ReposQueryPattern does not match query". Sync repo's IsEmpty status correctly. project filter. Use `hidden` over `clip` for text truncation. Set "type=button" for editor's toolbar buttons. NuGet search endpoints. storage path logic especially for relative paths. stdout correctly for "git blame". Check first if minio bucket exists before trying to create it. Avoiding accessing undefined tributeValues #26461. Call git.InitSimple for runRepoSyncReleases. Add transaction when creating pull request created dirty data. wrong middleware sequence. admin queue page title and CI failures. Introduce ctx.PathParamRaw to avoid incorrect unescaping. Bypass MariaDB performance of the "IN" sub-query, incorrect Index. incorrect CLI exit code and duplicate error message. Prevent newline errors with Debian packages. with sqlite load read. Make git batch operations use parent context

MITL git go

wxMaxima 23.08.0 šŸ’¾

wxMaxima is a document based interface for the computer algebra system Maxima. wxMaxima provides menus and dialogs for many common maxima commands, autocompletion, inline plots and simple animations.

minor feature: RegEx search, Printing improvements, performance and Better print scaling. More consistent page size handling for printing. Many performance and stability from coverity-scan. Resolved many warnings from cppcheck. A RegEx search.

GNU GPL mathematics cas maxima

Vim 9.0.1757 šŸ’¾

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

minor feature: patch 9.0.1757: ex_class() function is too long Problem: ex_class() function is too long. Solution: refactor it. Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt lt; gt;. Co-authored-by: Yegappan Lakshmanan lt; gt;.

Other text-editor ide vi vim

Wine 8.14 šŸ’¾

Wine is an implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. It does not require Microsoft Windows, but can use native Windows DLLs if they are available. It provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows source code to Unix as well as a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unixes.

minor feature: PCSC framework used on macOS for smart card support. Dumping of Windows registry files in WineDump. for Wow64 window messages. Various. #28603 Winedbg sometimes receives invalid parameters, #30655 DiRT 2 Demo: Low (1 - 3) FPS during race, but not in in-game menus. #34678 Not all serial port work in wine, #36564 #039;Candytron #039; demo: certain objects are black with GLSL enabled, #44546 The Settlers II: 10th Anniversary runs very slow when CSMT enabled, #44816 Cygwin/MSYS2 `script -e` exit status forwarding randomly returns zero for non zero child process, #48621 Civilization 6 crashes on startup. #52474 ws2_32:sock - test_connect() fails intermittently with #039;Test failed: expected timeout #039; #52492 stack overflow from GdipFlattenPath, #52889 Freelancer with Crossfire mod crashes on startup, #53171 advapi32:registry - test_performance_keys() sometimes fails due to time going backwards!, #54073 ws2_32:sock - test__events() sometimes fails in Wine, #54074 ws2_32:sock - test_empty_recv() sometimes gets an ERROR_IO_PENDING error in Wine, #54413 ws2_32:sock - DuplicateHandle(socket) sometimes look like a socket in test_WSAGetOverlappedResult() on Windows, #54546 ws2_32:sock - test_write_watch() gets unexpected write counts on Windows 11, #54676 winetricks --verify dotnet20 (AutoHotKey) fails in a wow64 build, #54720 Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions - dialogue audio doesn #039;t play, #54748 Greenshot crashes when drawing rectangle to make screenshot ( quot;GDI+ status: PropertyNotFound quot;), #54831 GStreamer gst_init_check() crashes when called from winegstreamer on recent macOS, also Wine crashes on macOS Sonoma, #54866 ieframe:webbrowser - test_SetQueryNetSessionCount() sometimes gets an unexpected session count on Windows, #55127 httpapi:httpapi - test_v2_bound_port() sometimes succeeds in connecting on Windows 10, #55152 Crash in Notepad++ processing a WM_DRAWITEM message, #55231 Warframe: camera/mouse stuck i

GNU LGPL c x86 windows win32 emulator compatibility library desktop operating-system

Calibre 6.25 šŸ’¾

Calibre is an e-book library management application, viewer and editor. It's also commonly used for e-book file format conversion and syncing to reader devices. Calibre also simplifies downloading news from the web and converting them into e-book form, and can act as content server for online access to your book collection.

minor feature: Release: 6.25 18 Aug, 2023 New features Book details panel: De-emphasize titles making the actual data stand out more Allow using the new manage data files dialog from within the edit metadata dialog. Trash dialog: Allow right clicking on an entry to save it to disk When merging books by drag-and-drop add an option to use the dragged cover instead of the cover in the target book Create catalog: Add buttons to easily select all/non/visible fields when creating CSV/XML catalogs Preferences- gt;Add your own columns: Add buttons to show/hide all columns a regression in the previous release that broke parsing of some ISO-8601 timestamps E-book viewer: Mouse wheel horizontal events should jump sections not internal file boundaries Preferences- gt;Add your own columns changing check state on moving columns Get books: update various Polish e-book stores for website changes. E-book viewer: CFI parsing of numbers with trailing zeros causing some bookmarks to not work E-book viewer: Show an error when creating a bookmark if the bookmark position is not found CBR Input: comics with extremely long internal filenames not working on Windows Edit book: Saved searches: incorrect import in generated source code for some builtin functions. Data file manager: errors on systems with larger font sizes. New news sources. The Oldie by Sophist. Various new Russian and Ukrainian news sources by Unknown Improved news sources. Bloomberg. Focus. Epoch Times. Hindu. Business Today. NYTimes.

GNU GPLv3 python c++ ebook-reader e-book conversion

qradiolink 0.8.10-1 šŸ’¾

QRadioLink is a Linux software defined radio transceiver application using VOIP for inter-communication, built on top of GNU radio, which allows experimenting with software defined radio hardware using different digital and analog radio signals and a friendly user interface. Its primary purpose is educational, but it can also be customized for low power data communications on various frequency bands. It can also be used as an amateur radio SDR transceiver for demonstrating radio communications to students. The application was originally inspired from the Codec2 GMSK modem project by Kristoff Bonne.

minor feature: Release 0.8.10-1 Added UDP audio streaming mode, for both transmit and receive. Interoperability with SVXlink via UDP audio. M17 protocol improvements: decode and encode channel access numbers. added special TX destinations (ECHO, UNLINK, BROADCAST, callsign). with TX remaining stuck in simplex mode when VOIP forwarding is on. with some CLI commands not interpreted correctly. Adjustment of FM RX and TX flowgraphs. CTCSS tones in FM modes are not filtered if CTCSS is disabled, and are. passed to external applications.

GNU GPLv3 communication radio

Carla 2.5.6 šŸ’¾

Carla is an audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It has some nice features like automation of parameters via MIDI CC (and send output back as MIDI too) and full OSC control. Carla currently supports LADSPA (including LRDF), DSSI, LV2, VST2/3 and AU plugin formats, plus SF2 and SFZ file support. It uses JACK as the default and preferred audio driver but also supports native drivers like ALSA, DirectSound or CoreAudio. There are 4 types of engine processing: Single-client: (JACK driver only) Same as Multi-client, except that all JACK ports belong to a single master client. This is needed when a setup doesn't support multi-client JACK apps, such as LADISH. Multi-client: (JACK driver only) Every single plugin is exposed as a new JACK client. Audio and MIDI ports are registered as needed. Rack: Plugins are processed in order, from top to bottom. Plugins with non-stereo audio channels are not supported, but a forced-stereo option is available for Mono ones. Patchbay: Modular patchbay mode, just like in JACK Multi-client and many other modular applications. Every plugin gets its own canvas group and ports allowing you to interconnect plugin audio and MIDI.

minor feature: Fix compatibility of plugin discovery with newer 2.6.x tools Fix crash when using JACK under Linux ARM Fix carla-lv2 pre-run with 0 frames Fix carla-vst GUI for high-dpi screens Fix carla-native-plugin library exported symbols Show custom error message when trying to start JACK driver without JACK Skip special treatment for LADISH (do not set session management hints)

GNU LGPLv3 c++ midi mixers sound-synthesis audio

LimeSurvey 6.2.2 (build 230814) šŸ’¾

LimeSurvey is a web application that interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, or Postgres to develop surveys, publish surveys, and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created, data can be inserted into the survey either by a "pretty" public screen which presents each question one at a time, or by a quick and nasty data entry screen. It includes the capacity to generate individualized "tokens", so that invitations can be issued to participants. It also has the capacity to set conditions on whether questions will display (branching), numerous question types, and a basic statistics function.

minor feature: Public URL is not used for SURVEYURL (Tests) (Gabriel Jenik). CR-1282: Side menu: Loading animation is in the wrong position (Mohab E). CR-1267: Facebook buttons size (Mohab E). CR-1253: There is no validation on admin email, bounce email in general survey settings (Mohab E). CR-1236: Layout : modal button (x) on confirmation modal (Mohab E). CR-1219: Privacy policy checkbox on starting page of survey is always green when unchecked (Mohab E). Privacy policy view is not rendered per tab, it is stacked below each other in the same view. (Gabriel Jenik). security Improper Authorization in add role function leads to privilege escalation (Denis Chenu). Multiple numerical input text input box width not having an effect (Adam Zammit). Responses filters are case sensitive (Gabriel Jenik). Send test email in global settings not working (Gabriel Jenik). Participants can't re-enter a submitted survey if setting is using "inherit" at participant settings (Gabriel Jenik). Email attachments expose absolute path when exporting LSS (Gabriel Jenik). Uses left value goes to negative (Gabriel Jenik). Updated translation: Polish by elissa. Updated translation: Polish (Informal) by elissa. Updated translation: Khmer by PawelAtroszko. Updated translation: Japanese by d_inoue, nomoto. Updated translation: Italian by lfanfoni, maren.fritz. Updated translation: Italian (Informal) by lfanfoni, myliserta. Updated translation: Finnish by Jmantysalo. Updated translation: Catalan by qualitatuvic.

GNU GPL survey php mysql mssql postgres

CMOC 0.1.84 šŸ’¾

CMOC is a 6809-generating cross-compiler for a large subset of the C language. It produces executables for the Motorola 6809 processor to be used under the Tandy Color Computer Disk Basic environment, OS-9 and others. It runs under GNU/Linux and other Unix-like environments.

minor bugfix: Fixed bugs that affected a pointer to an array, e.g., int (*a) 20 . Fixed a bug where an error was given when trying to change a struct member through a const pointer to a non-const struct. Error "return without argument in a non-void function" is now a warning. Added option "-x c" to indicate that all files whose extension is not .a, .asm, .o or .a must be assumed to be C files, and option "-x none", which is the default, which only considers .c files to be C files. Verbatim assembly blocks (asm ... ) are now allowed at global scope. Other fixes mentioned in the NEWS file.

GNU GPLv3 compiler c developers

Mozilla Firefox 116.0.3 šŸ’¾

Firefox is a widely used web browser. It's based on Mozillas Gecko HTML rendering and IonMonkey JavaScript engine. It supports HTML5, XML, XHTML, SVG 1.1, MathML, XSLT, CSS3, Web fonts, APNG, SSL/TLS, sandboxed JavaScript 1.8.5 with many newer DOM and WHATWG extensions. It's highly extensible and themeable, provides tabbed browsing, security and privacy features, traditional and live/smart bookmarks.

minor feature: an for OPFS users (especially those using the Adobe Photoshop) that broke access to files that were locally cached in a previous version. (, ), an that was breaking screensharing for some users on Wayland. ( ), an where a fullscreen notification was persistently being shown to a user, even after disabling it. ( ), an where Firefox would hang when doing a Google search. ( ), Reference link to 116.0 release notes, A few photoshop users might still encounter loading old files which is expected to be resolved in.

MPL c++ web-browser html5 javascript mozilla