Qt5 Configuration Tool 1.6 šŸ’¾

This program allows users to configure Qt5 settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt integration.

minor feature: XDG desktop portal dialogs; qt6ct compatibility; improved icon loader; only prepend our stylesheet if it has changed; changed minimal required Qt version from 5.4 to 5.9; fixed compatibility with applications that use own stylesheet; updated 11 translations.

BSDL-2 qt5 configuration

stafwag_ansible-role-libvirt 1.0.5 šŸ’¾

An ansible role to install libvirt/KVM packages and enable the libvirtd service. Supported GNU/Linux Distributions Archlinux * AlmaLinux * Debian * Centos * Fedora * RedHat * Rocky * Suse * Ubuntu

minor feature: Support AlmaLinux / Fedora GNU/Linux * Added ansible_os_family - ansible_pkg_mgr to the install search path * Moved RedHat distribution install files to RedHat-dnf.yml RedHat-yum.yml * Added AlmaLinux to support GNU/Linux distributions * Enable libvirtd service with the install tag * Use the virtualization group on Fedora GNU/Linux.

MITL ansible role libvirt kvm

Fossil SCM 2.21 šŸ’¾

Fossil is a distributed version control system, quite robust and easy to use. It manages local and remote repositories, user permissions, has a built-in wiki, bugtracker, release blog and an extendable web interface. It's github-in-a-box as all features are packed into a stand-alone executable which also doubles as server. Internally the database utilizes SQLite and allows extending that or its user interface through TCL or the builtin TH1 scripting language. An optional JSON API permits further extensions.

minor feature: Users can request a password reset. This feature is disabledby default. Use The new self-pw-reset property to enable it. New web pages /resetpw and. reqpwreset added. Add the fossil repack command (together with. Fossil all repack ) as a convenient way to optimize the Size of one or all of the repositories on a system. Add the ability to put text descriptions on report formats. Upgrade the test-find-pivot command to the merge-base command. The /chat page can now embed fossil-rendered. Views of wiki/markdown/pikchr file attachments with the caveat that such Embedding happens in an iframe and thus does not inherit styles and such From the containing browser window. The fossil all remote subcommand added to "fossil all". Passwords for remembered remote repositories are now stored as irreversible. Hashes rather than obscured clear-text, for improved security. Add the "nossl" and "nocompress" options to CGI. Update search infrastructure from FTS4 to FTS5. Add the /deltachain page for deging purposes. Writes to the database are disabled by default if the HTTP request. Does not come from the same origin. This enhancement is a defense in depth Measure only; it does not address any known vulnerabilities. Improvements to automatic detection and mitigation of attacks from. Malicious robots.

BSDL-2 c sqlite fossil scm dvcs wiki bugtracker server project-management cgi wcms

Checkstyle 10.8.0 šŸ’¾

Checkstyle assists with source coding standard checking for Java. It supports the Sun or Google code conventions, but is flexible and configurable. It can be run as console tool, or integrated as ANT task.

minor feature: Remove Serializable interface from Violation class and EventObject extension from AuditEvent. Specify violation messages in input files. Make action to trigger all release steps. Make scripts and configurations filenames consistent. CommitValidationTest should ignore the release process. Use Shellcheck to resolve violations code in Shell Script. Update doc for JavadocType. Release perform action is failing. Replace all usages of xmlstarlet with getCheckstylePomVersion from util.sh. confg: cancel 10.8.0 release, see details in #12762. End of free builds for CloudBees CodeShip. Define variable for non-main-files-suppressions file. RegexpOnFileNameCheck message keys. pitest: groovy does not run when profile fails. Resolve surviving annotation mutations for pitest. Checker: false violation removals on other failures. Validation for next version in GitHub action. pitest-survival-check-xml.groovy: prints nothing when there are no differences. pitest-survival-check-xml.groovy` should automatically update list of suppressions. Remove admins from white list on commit validation. Github action quot;Release perform quot. pitest: validate wildcards on target classes. remove.m2 for codenarc execution to make it more stable on download. Github action to copy to sourceforge does not work. update all release action to have 'Setup local maven cache' step to optimize download of artifacts. Push 'all' jar action is not working and not failing execution.

MITL java coding-style syntax-checker command-line

SimulaBeta 3.0.2 šŸ’¾

SimulaBeta is a continuous numerical simulation program for insulin-glucose feedback control. It is based on a published nonlinear MiMe-NoCoDI model of insulin-glucose homeostasis, calibrated with physiological data. It supports saving and reading parameter sets and sub-models as scenarios and the export of simulation results in various formats for evaluation in statistics packages.

minor bugfix: Bug-fix release resolving minor GUI issues on all supported platforms.

BSDL-2 computer-aided-instruction scientific bio-informatics medical-science object-pascal pascal aqua carbon cocoa win32 education science-resear

Vim 9.0.1352 šŸ’¾

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

minor feature: patch 9.0.1352: "ignore" files are outdated Problem: "ignore" files are outdated. Solution: Update "ignore" files.

Other text-editor ide vi vim

GitLab 15.9.1 šŸ’¾

GitLab is a development collaboration tool and git DVCS frontend. It includes repository management features, code reviews, an issue tracker, activity feeds and wikis. GitLab provides fine-grained access control, user management, 5 permission levels and branch constraints, and can utilize LDAP/AD intranet authorization. Powered by Ruby on Rails it comes as open source package, and as commercial supported enterprise version.

minor bugfix: (2023-02-23). ### (2 changes). Broadcast messages not showing in admin console (gitlab-org/gitlab@f50dfdfe43231b4bb52378eaaa515ee76c918d03) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!112831)). dependency check in license approval policies (gitlab-org/gitlab@ff5a77036fdb74c4b410fbb954428dbf8736ffd8) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!112831)) GitLab Enterprise Edition.

MITL ruby ruby-on-rails git dvcs wiki bugtracker version-control

exiftool 12.57 šŸ’¾

ExifTool is a Perl library and command-line tool for reading and updating common meta data information in various file formats. Foremost it works on image files, EXIF, PNG, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF/JPEG, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix, AFCP, AIFF, DJVU, Postscript, GZIP, OpenDocument, PDF, SVG, OGG and ID3. It can also edit maker notes of digital (RAW) camera files from Canon, Casio, FLIR, FujiFilm, GE, HP, JVC/Victor, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Nikon, Nintendo, Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Phase One, Reconyx, Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo, Sigma/Foveon and Sony.

minor feature: Added two new Nikon Z lenses. - Added a new Sigma LensType. - Added a new Olympus LensType. - Decode more new Nikon tags. - Decode Photoshop LayerColors, LayerSections and LayerVisible tags. - Improved Verbose output for QuickTime-format files. - Set family 1 group name for Garmin GPS from uuid atom. - Enhanced -progress option to allow message to be displayed every NUM files. - Significant improvements to parsing of Nikon ShotInfo records for newer models. - Removed hex dump of APP segments from -v3 output when writing. - writing negative MIE GPS coordinates. - where a duplicate XMP could be generated when writing XMP to a JPEG XL image which already contained XMP. - problem where HEAD lines may be duplicated in an output file if the -p option was combined with -w+ or -W+.

Artistic perl exif meta-data

Zotero 6.0.22 šŸ’¾

Zotero is a free and open-source reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials (such as PDF files). Notable features include web browser integration, online syncing, generation of in-text citations, footnotes, and bibliographies, as well as integration with the word processors Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, and Google Docs. It is produced by the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University.

major feature: Functionality changed or added Reintroduced text color tool in new note editor Added three additional colors to PDF reader and note editor Added option to use Creator - Year - Title or Filename instead of Title - Creator - Year for PDF tab titles Made toolbar accessible via keyboard Focus indicators are currently shown only on Windows and Linux Increased number of PDF tabs kept in memory on Windows and 8 GB systems from 2 to 3 Added additional retraction reason descriptions Bugs fixed Fixed startup error if database is corrupted and no automatic backup files exist Fixed potential startup error on some systems due to filesystem limitations/restrictions Detect retractions for DOIs with capital letters Fixed bug that could cause erroneous undoing of ink annotation lines on other devices

Affero GPLv3 citation documentation styles

logfilegen 2.1.0 šŸ’¾

Logfilegen is a fast and highly customizable tool to generate common server (nginx, etc) or user-defined format log files to make fake workloads for data ingest or analytics programs. You can generate log file with the desired rate (lines per second), the file size, lines count and the duration. Each variable of the log file can be redefined by the random or static value. logfilegen depends just on GCC or Clang with C++17 support, and, optionally, cmake.

major bugfix: + outdated GCC ( 9.1.0) support (CMake) * console possibly overflow fixes * ENV variables now in the UPPER CASE only * CMake is preferrable way to build logfilegen

Public Domain testing benchmark logging c++ console cross-plattform information-technology

boinc_mgr.lua 3.4 šŸ’¾

Simple terminal frontend to the boinc client daemon. Written in lua. Requires libUseful and libUseful-lua.

minor feature: Improved 'join project' screen. Reduced screen flicker over slower links.

GNU GPLv3 boinc

PowerShell Core 7.3.3 šŸ’¾

PowerShell Core is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools and is optimized for dealing with structured data (e.g. JSON, CSV, XML, etc.), REST APIs, and object models. It includes a command-line shell, an associated scripting language and a framework for processing cmdlets.

minor feature: 7.3.3 - 2023-02-23. Build and Packaging Improvements. lt;details gt;. lt;summary gt;. lt;p gt;Bump to use.NET 7.0.3 lt;/p gt;. lt;/summary gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;Update third party notices for v7.3.3 (Internal 24353) lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Add tool to trigger license information gathering for NuGet modules lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Update global.json to 7.0.200 for v7.3.3 (Internal 24334) lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Update cgmanifest for v7.3.3 (Internal 24338) lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;. lt;/details gt;. 7.3.3 : v7.3.2...v7.3.3.

MITL powershell shell

FileZilla 3.63.2 šŸ’¾

FileZilla is a feature-rich FTP, FTPS and SSH FTP client, with support for all major plattforms. All tools are designed to aid moving and synchronizing files between local and remote file or webservers. It even allows multi-target uploading or editing files in-place. FileZilla also sports IPv6, a tabbed interface, resuming up and downloads, transfer speed limits, large files over 4GB, server and bookmark management, drag and drop, filtering, HTTPS / SOCKS5 / FTP proxying, and remote file searching.

minor bugfix: macOS: Several rendering in dark mode. macOS: Disable automatic quote/dash substitution in text input fields. MSW: an with Drag Drop to Explorer on systems that use shortened 8.3 pathnames in environment variables. MSW: If FileZilla was installed for current user only, updating with the installer now skips the UAC prompt. Updated to libfilezilla 0.41.1 to a rare crash. Official binaries are now built againt GnuTLS 3.8.0.

GNU GPL c ftp ftps file-transfer

Artistic Style 3.2 beta 2 šŸ’¾

A Free, Fast, and Small Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C#, and Java Source Code.

minor bugfix: fixed documentation of --delete-empty-lines short option fixed project file search fixed project file search with wildcard input paths better description for stat errors

MITL formatting indentation

BallroomDJ 4 4.1.1 šŸ’¾

BallroomDJ 4 is a ballroom music player. It is designed to play music the entire evening without intervention. Manage your ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlist and sequenced playlists. BallroomDJ 4 is the replacement for BallroomDJ.

minor bugfix: 4.1.1 beta 2023-2-23 * Bug Fixes: * Apply Adjustments: Fixed a crash when processing audio files. * Apply Adjustments: Fixed a hang when processing audio files. * Song Editor: Fix changed detection for status, favorite. * Changes: * Apply Adjustments: New method for normalizing volume. * Internal: * Code cleanup (ui).

Zlib end-users linux macos windows player ballroom c gtk

GParted 1.5.0 šŸ’¾

GParted is a hard disk partitioning application commonly used from LiveCDs. It allows to created and modify partitions, label, check, copy and move, or resize common filesystems. GParted works on legacy MBR bootsectors or GUID partition tables (GPT). Supported filesystems include ext2/3/4, btrfs, f2fs, FAT16/32, hfs/hfs+, lvm2, NTFS, reiserfs/4, ufs, and xfs.

major bugfix:

GNU GPL c++ partitioning disk-management mbr gpt filesystem

GitLab 15.9.0 šŸ’¾

GitLab is a development collaboration tool and git DVCS frontend. It includes repository management features, code reviews, an issue tracker, activity feeds and wikis. GitLab provides fine-grained access control, user management, 5 permission levels and branch constraints, and can utilize LDAP/AD intranet authorization. Powered by Ruby on Rails it comes as open source package, and as commercial supported enterprise version.

major feature: (2023-02-21). ### Added (223 changes). Initialize conversion of notes.id to bigint (gitlab-org/gitlab@b4bde678e26065d177374d6440ad065378a30fe3) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!110597)). Add top-level `groups` GraphQL query (gitlab-org/gitlab@63b93320ea9c9aca9017af344f648acb815603e2) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!111199)). Add aditional arguments to BulkUpdate mutation (gitlab-org/gitlab@2d26ce617cb65806ba2dc4585fd5715412c854ff) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!111729)). Expose project visibleForks in GraphQL (gitlab-org/gitlab@78a7ca9961c39b3ef055419a62e17f18b2660c40) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!112167)). Add MR settings support for group (EE frontend) (gitlab-org/gitlab@2b39d1e8bc0420144152fecf428cfcf78d7a0bb7) by @luzhiyuan.deer ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!102863)) GitLab Enterprise Edition. Add EE only metrics for license compliance MR widget (gitlab-org/gitlab@f5f18bc99ae1e8d7450c6c2b84087e26bc94d2e2) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!111725)). Add widget definitions table (gitlab-org/gitlab@a2f61bec6e65f9dfc84ffc6c76a879dcfce13df1) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!107582)). Board - Move epic at top or bottom of list (gitlab-org/gitlab@2ce467cc01dab8fae9822a5f87d659219ba47e14) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!111398)) GitLab Enterprise Edition. Add package metadata ingestion service (gitlab-org/gitlab@bc4c2148648c3620998ed98b2c748dc08c2c8134) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!108600)). Initialize the conversion of todos.note_id to bigint (gitlab-org/gitlab@c7eb9f44003ee8b827a0b3081fc133a311877f46) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!110704)). Allow users to stop stale environments via the UI (gitlab-org/gitlab@3d71756b3a002580d5307967aa7522797ff5803e) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!112098)). Process webhook notification to send HLLRedis metrics (gitlab-org/gitlab@35ea0be75c0671afff397a8973e47582476056c5) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!107918)) GitLab Enterprise Edition. Add ability to re-import pr

MITL ruby ruby-on-rails git dvcs wiki bugtracker version-control

ALT Server 10.1 šŸ’¾

ALT is a set of Linux distributions based on Sisyphus, an APT-enabled RPM package repository that aims to achieve feature completeness, usability, and security in a sensible and manageable mixture.

minor feature: The assembly of ALT Server 10.1 distribution kit is prepared for the x86_64, AArch64 and Elbrus architecture. Support for Russian certification authorities (CA) (ca-certificates-digital.gov.ru 1.0) added. The Group policy project updated (the admx-msi-setup package has been added). Image 10.1 includes the text mode of the GRUB loader. ALT Server 10.1 new version supportes to enter a name or password in Cyrillic. Virt-manager 3.2 for creating virtual machines, a tigervnc 1.10 remote connection server added and the Zabbix 6.0 monitoring system.

GNU GPL operating-system starterkit installation end-users developers livecd rescue desktop server security bbs communication communication commu

Vim 9.0.1333 šŸ’¾

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

minor feature: patch 9.0.1333: when redo'ing twice lt;ScriptCmd gt; may not get the scrip t ID. Problem: When redo'ing twice lt;ScriptCmd gt; may not get the script ID. Solution: When "last_used_map" map is not set use "last_used_sid". .

Other text-editor ide vi vim

AutoArchive 2.0.5 šŸ’¾

Utility to help create backups more easily. The idea of the program is that all essential information for creating a backup is in a single file. It can use ā€˜tarā€™ for creating archives, has a command line interface, and supports incremental backups.

minor bugfix: This release improves building and installation process.

GNU GPLv3 backup compression archiving

Gitea 1.18.4 šŸ’¾

Gitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Gitea is a fork of Gogs. See the Gitea Announcement blog post to read about the justification for a fork. Purpose The goal of this project is to provide the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across all platforms and architectures that Go supports. This support includes Linux, macOS, and Windows, on architectures like amd64, i386, ARM, PowerPC, and others.

minor feature: SECURITY. Provide the ability to set password hash algorithm parameters. Add command to bulk set must-change-password. ENHANCEMENTS. Use import of OCI structs. color of tertiary button on dark theme. Link and pull requests status change in UI notifications directly to their event in the timelined view.. . Notify on container image create. blame view missing lines. incorrect role labels for migrated and comments. PR file tree folders no longer collapsing. Escape filename when assemble URL. isAllowed of escapeStreamer. Load before accessing index in merge message. Improve trace logging for pulls and processes. restore repo, clarify the problem of ForeignIndex. Add default user visibility to cli command "admin user create". Escape path for the file list. with WebAuthn preventing sign in and registration.. Add missing bracket in imagediff. Move code comments to a standalone file and the when adding a reply to an outdated review appears to not post. line spacing for plaintext previews. wrong hint when deleting a branch successfully from pull request UI. README TOC links. missing message in git hook when pull requests disabled on fork. Improve checkIfPRContentChanged. Prevent duplicate labels when importing more than 99. Don't return duplicated users who can create org repo. BUILD. Upgrade golangcilint to v1.51.0. MISC. Use proxy for pull mirror. Use `--index-url` in PyPi description.

MITL git go

deadbeef 1.9.5 šŸ’¾

DeaDBeeF (as in 0xDEADBEEF) is a modular audio player for GNU/Linux, *BSD, OpenSolaris, macOS, and other UNIX-like systems. DeaDBeeF lets you play variety of audio formats, convert between them, customize the UI almost any way you want, and use many additional plugins which can extend it even more.

minor feature: Fixed: GME chiptune voice muting was affecting converter / replaygain scanner Fixed: SID chiptune voice muting was affecting converter / replaygain scanner Fixed: SID stereo was not working the way it was intended Fixed: Wave format conversion regressions, which could lead to wrong channels mapping Fixed: Converter race condition bug when checking whether a directory exists (dakeryas) Fixed: Album art fetching for tracks with multiple artists Fixed: GTK warning when opening track properties Fixed: Prompting before deleting playlist via middle mouse button Fixed: Album art left/right/center alignment in GTKUI Fixed: Removed embedded album art size limit for ID3v2 tags Fixed: Deadlock when trying to delete files from disk Fixed: Mute functionality for output plugins with their own volume control Fixed: Switching to previous/next track after the current track is removed Fixed: Incorrect playlist affected by hotkeys Fixed: Unsynchronized ID3v2 tag loading (credit: Robin Seth Ekman) Fixed: Spectrum analyzer buffer overflow Fixed: Deadlock when removing multiple selected tracks while one of them is playing Added: Pipewire output plugin (saivert) Added: LibRetro resampling plugin (toadking) Added: Chiptune voice muting in DUMB plugin Added: Improved drawing of spectrum analyzer Added: itematindex(index,value) function to title formatting, get value by index from multivalue fields

GNU LGPLv3 audio music

SSDP Responder 2.0 šŸ’¾

Simple Service Discovery Protocol daemon (SSDP) for networked Linux and UNIX devices. Useful in any setup, big or small, but targeted more at embedded systems that need to announce themselves to Windows systems. ssdpd is a stand-alone UNIX daemon with no external dependencies but the standard C library. It has a built-in web server for serving the UPnP XML description which Windows use to present the icon, by default an InternetGatewayDevice is announced. Also included is the ssdp-scan tool, which continuously scans for SSDP capable hosts on the network. Take care only to use this for debugging since it scans the network quite aggressively.

minor feature: Update ChangeLog and bump version for v2.0 release Signed-off-by: Joachim Wiberg lt;troglobit@gmail.com gt;.


Apache Guacamole 1.5.0 šŸ’¾

Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH. We call it clientless because no plugins or client software are required. Thanks to HTML5, once Guacamole is installed on a server, all you need to access your desktops is a web browser.

minor feature: In-app playback of recordings, key vaults, ECC keys, multiple LDAP/AD servers, shared connection join/leave notifications.

Apache c java javascript html5 remote-desktop vnc rdp ssh daemon servlet

wallpaper_mgr.lua 2.5 šŸ’¾

Downloader for random wallpapers from bing, nasa, wallpapers13, getwallpapers, hipwallpapers, suwalls, chandra observatory, esahubble and wikimedia. Uses external program to set these on the desktop. This program requires libUseful and libUseful-lua.

minor feature: Added +sources option Added cinnamon desktop support

GNU GPLv3 wallpapers

Courier Mail Server 1.2.2 šŸ’¾

Courier is a mail transfer agent (MTA) and groupware server. It implements IMAP, ESMTP, POP3, LDAP, SSL, HTTP, iCal. It also provides mailing list management, filtering, maildirs storage, and a webmail interface with calendaring and scheduling.

minor feature: Maildrop: remove unsafe SIGALRM handler. imap: No longer accept a non-standard single, flag name instead of a parenthesized flag list to APPEND, due to, ambiguity with the UTF8 extension.

GNU GPL c e-mail smtp imap mail-server groupware calendaring

GitLab 15.8.3 šŸ’¾

GitLab is a development collaboration tool and git DVCS frontend. It includes repository management features, code reviews, an issue tracker, activity feeds and wikis. GitLab provides fine-grained access control, user management, 5 permission levels and branch constraints, and can utilize LDAP/AD intranet authorization. Powered by Ruby on Rails it comes as open source package, and as commercial supported enterprise version.

minor feature: (2023-02-15). ### (3 changes). Attempt reading schema file instead of a file named `# report_version ` (gitlab-org/gitlab@f4b236c5f22c2da89bd4275cd8f5bf2807069ee4) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!111934)). Revert changes on wiki replication/verification legacy code (gitlab-org/gitlab@71b29b669f0415fa371560139d699aa7ad568549) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!111934)) GitLab Enterprise Edition. Revert changes on wiki replication/verification legacy code (gitlab-org/gitlab@fd824d99fb7b341088841edfaa6c401c4c20dad8) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!111879)) GitLab Enterprise Edition. ### Changed (1 change). Upgrade Alert - Add proper API support (gitlab-org/gitlab@6658efdbfb89847f20836e862710260e49c44778) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!111934)).

MITL ruby ruby-on-rails git dvcs wiki bugtracker version-control

Wine 8.2 šŸ’¾

Wine is an implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. It does not require Microsoft Windows, but can use native Windows DLLs if they are available. It provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows source code to Unix as well as a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unixes.

minor feature: Better deinformation in Wow64 mode. Wow64 thunks in the WPCAP library. Indeo IV50 codec support. Monitor names set from EDID data. Various. #48528 The Void crashes with builtin d3dx9_36 (needs D3DXFillCubeTextureTX() to return S_OK), #51345 Regression: Visual Studio 2005 quot;package load failure quot; #51545 STDOUT lost from a forked program on Cygwin/MSYS2, #53747 SubLab VST3 plugin fails to register (needs Windows.System.Profile.SystemManufacturers.SmbiosInformation), #53926 New typelib marshaller depends on IID_IDispatch support from target interface, #54103 opengl32:opengl - test_copy_context() crashes on w11pro64_nv, #54150 d3dcompiler_43:hlsl_d3d11 amp; d3dcompiler_47:hlsl_d3d11 - test_trig() fails on w11pro64_nv, #54234 vbscript fails to compile when colon follows Else in If...Else, #54318 Rich Edit inserts newly composed text at wrong position when system IME composition ends while a selection is active, #54371 loader won #039;t launch from PATH unless named quot;wine quot; #54384 GOG Heroes of Might and Magic IV crashes on launch, #54431 Switching active window (alt+tab or otherwise) away from Final Fantasy XI causes keyboard keys to remain pressed, #54456 vbscript memory leak in For Each with SafeArray as group, #54457 vbscript memory leaks in interp_redim_preserve, #54458 vbscript memory leaks in Global_Split, #54463 Wrong version value is returned from win32_operatingsystem on win10 (regression), #54465 dbghelp:dbghelp - The 64-bit test_modules() fails on Windows 7, #54477 user32:msg - test_message_conversion() #039;s broadcast test fails on Windows 7 and 10, #54486 getenv_s returns the wrong value, #54489 VarAbs() does not handle BSTR arguments correctly, #54490 vbscript fails to compile when statement follows ElseIf, #54493 vbscript fails to compile concat when used without space and expression begins with H

GNU LGPL c x86 windows win32 emulator compatibility library desktop operating-system

VFU File Manager 5.07 šŸ’¾

VFU is versatile file manager covers virtually all file managing needs and offer large set of behaviour options. VFU is licensed under GPLv2.

major feature: 5.xx series add full UNICODE Level 1 support! more detailed GIT history: + 1. Added full wide char (UNICODE) support. VFU now implements Level 1 support. Filenames and text file contents are now assumed UTF8 and internally VFU is using UTF32 for all string operations. + 2. Added option for list scrolling paging. options are: * 1 line (smooth scrolling with 1 line when on border of pagesize) * 30 of the page size (default) * 50 of the page size ! 3. f, F, g and G do not require quotes anymore. VFU will escape all special characters in filenames. + 4. Added extended info when calculating directory size. VFU now reports files/dirs count in the traversed path and total size in short/human form and in bytes also. + 5. Added option in the dir size menu (key Z) to calculate dir sizes only for directories without calculated size (missing sizes ones). + 6. Added rx support for *.tar.zst archives. ! 7. Fixed filename matching for corner cases. ! 8. Fixed rx_auto searching. ! 9. proper unicode padding for uid/gid/hostname !10. refresh views cleanup !11. init data setup cleanup +12. dir sizes menu: added "missing dirs size calc" (keys Z, M) !13. load settings loading optimized !14. added getdirname helper menu ctrl-o +15. dir menu allows negative-xy !16. get dir name glob and complete are fixed +17. added option in dir sizes menu (key Z) to delete cache

GNU GPL file manager console utilities linux unix

Calibre 6.13 šŸ’¾

Calibre is an e-book library management application, viewer and editor. It's also commonly used for e-book file format conversion and syncing to reader devices. Calibre also simplifies downloading news from the web and converting them into e-book form, and can act as content server for online access to your book collection.

minor feature: Release: 6.13 17 Feb, 2023 New features Content server: E-book viewer: Long tapping on an image now causes it to be displayed in an internal popup rather than a new window as some browsers block the creation of new windows. E-book viewer: some adjacent highlights with nothing in between them not being displayed. Content server: Workaround for Safari regression causing bookmarks to disappear on reload E-book viewer: Read aloud: a regression in the previous release that caused the Read aloud controls to not reappear when Read aloud is canceled and restarted E-book viewer: Read aloud: a regression in the previous release that caused an error when using Read aloud on a chapter with no text, such as the cover page E-book viewer: a regression that caused a spurious error on Windows when reading out selected text. a regression in calibre 5.0 that broke sorting the device view by title if one of the books has an empty title Edit book: Spell Check dialog: second word not getting selected when after first word is Improve hover highlight color in tree views New news sources. The Economist Espresso by unkn0wn. Science X by unkn0wn. Horizons by unkn0wn. Deccan Herald by unkn0wn. The Monthly by unkn0wn Improved news sources. CNN. Bloomberg.

GNU GPLv3 python c++ ebook-reader e-book conversion

ani-cli 4.1 šŸ’¾

ani-cli is a cli to browse and watch anime (alone AND with friends).

minor feature: allanime url, curl and referers. Refactor: switch to curl by @coolansx. : mac wc -l skill. Refactor: add whitespace to external menu anime prompt. : change allanime api. : change allanime api. Refactor: whitespace for query. : previous,next,replay. : add referer. Docs: replace wget with curl. Co-authored-by: chokerman lt;44473782+justchokingaround@users.noreply.github.com gt;. Co-authored-by: justchokingaround lt;ivanonarch@tutanota.com gt;. Co-authored-by: RaynardGerraldo lt;RaynardGerraldo@users.noreply.github.com gt;.

GNU GPLv3 anime shell cli mpv iina vlc terminal bash macos-x console fzf

Yet Another Screen Library (lib(n)curses alternative) 1.97 šŸ’¾

Suitable for developing terminal applications or daemons with telnet access and terminal support. Main features * small footprint * does not have external dependencies * allows both internal and external event loop * allows stdin/stdout or external input/output (can work over socket) * supports basic set of telnet sequences, making it suitable for built-in terminal interfaces for daemons * supports a limited set of input keystroke sequences * fully Unicode compatible (parts of this depend on wcwidth in libc) * supports utf8 verification of input * relies only on a limited subset of ANSI/xterm ESC sequences, making it compatible with mostly all modern terminals (inspired by linenoise) * there is no curses API and ancient terminal compatibility, hence less bloat * clean API with opaque private data, usable from C/C++

minor feature:


gradle 8.0.1 šŸ’¾

Gradle is an open-source build automation tool focused on flexibility and performance. Gradle build scripts are written using a Groovy or Kotlin DSL.

minor bugfix: This is a patch release for 8.0. We recommend using 8.0.1 instead of 8.0. It fixes the following issues: #21551 - Document integration of Scala plugin with toolchains and problems with target flag #23888 - --no-rebuild suddenly gone without new deprecation cycle and without the reason for its undeprecation being void #23905 - Gradle 8.0 fails Scala build with isBlank not found in String class error

Apache build-tool c c++ groovy java kotlin

BallroomDJ 4 šŸ’¾

BallroomDJ 4 is a ballroom music player. It is designed to play music the entire evening without intervention. Manage your ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlist and sequenced playlists. BallroomDJ 4 is the replacement for BallroomDJ.

minor bugfix: beta 2023-2-17 * Bug Fixes: * Configuration: Debug: Fix apply adjustments. * Song Editor: Fix apply adjustment processing.

Zlib end-users linux macos windows player ballroom c gtk

ALT RISC-V: Simply Linux 10.1 šŸ’¾

ALT is a set of Linux distributions based on Sisyphus, an APT-enabled RPM package repository that aims to achieve feature completeness, usability, and security in a sensible and manageable mixture.

minor feature: The release of the experimental build of Simply Linux 10.1 (the p10 Aronia branch) for the riscv64 architecture. Support for StarFive VisionFive V1 single-board computer. The distribution includes Firefox 109.0.1 web browser, Thunderbird 102.7.1 mail client, LibreOffice 7.4.2 office suite. XFCE desktop environment 4.18. Added to the distribution: support for Russian certification authorities (CA) (ca-certificates-digital.gov.ru 1.0); htop 3.2.2 utility; libnss-role 0.5.64 mechanism for providing additional groups to the user; XSane 0.999; Epson and HP printer drivers.

GNU GPL operating-system starterkit installation end-users developers livecd rescue desktop server security bbs communication communication commu

Vim 9.0.1314 šŸ’¾

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

minor feature: patch 9.0.1314: :messages behavior depends on 'fileformat' of current buffer. Problem: :messages behavior depends on 'fileformat' of current buffer. Solution: Pass the buffer pointer to where it is used.

Other text-editor ide vi vim

Samba 4.17.5 šŸ’¾

Samba is a software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients. It is freely available, unlike other SMB/CIFS implementations, and allows for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and Windows-based clients.

minor feature: Smbc_getxattr() return value is incorrect. Compound SMB2 FLUSH+requests from MacOSX are not handled Correctly. synthetic_pathref AFP_AfpInfo failed errors. samba-tool gpo listall fails IPv6 only - finddcs() fails to find DC when there is only an AAAA record for the DC in DNS. smbd crashes if an FSCTL request is done on a stream handle. DFS links don apos;t work anymore on Mac clients since 4.17. vfs_virusfilter segfault on access, directory edgecase. accessing NULL value). CVE-2022-38023 SECURITY Samba should refuse RC4 (aka md5). Based SChannel on NETLOGON (additional changes). U for include directive doesn apos;t work for share listing netshareenum). Shares missing from netshareenum response in samba 4.17.4. ctdb: use-after-free in run_proc. U for include directive doesn apos;t work for share listing. netshareenum). Shares missing from netshareenum response in samba 4.17.4. irpc_destructor may crash during shutdown. auth3_generate_session_info_pac leaks wbcAuthUserInfo. smbclient segfaults with use after free on an optimized build. smbstatus leaking files in msg.sock and msg.lock. Leak in wbcCtxPingDc2. Access based share enum does not work in Samba 4.16+. Crash during share enumeration. rep_listxattr on FreeBSD does not properly check for reads off. End of returned buffer. Avoid relying on C89 features in a few places.

GNU GPLv3 communications file-sharing cifs windows

LimeSurvey 5.6.5 (build 230214) šŸ’¾

LimeSurvey is a web application that interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, or Postgres to develop surveys, publish surveys, and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created, data can be inserted into the survey either by a "pretty" public screen which presents each question one at a time, or by a quick and nasty data entry screen. It includes the capacity to generate individualized "tokens", so that invitations can be issued to participants. It also has the capacity to set conditions on whether questions will display (branching), numerous question types, and a basic statistics function.

minor feature: CT-32: Viewing a response is not possible if the original access code (token) entry doesn't exist anymore (Patrick Teichmann). Cannot copy a survey when using a survey alias (Gabriel Jenik). Placeholders GID and SGQ not replaced for "script" (Denis Chenu). Filenames containing an apostrophe (') cause uploaded file-list to unlist upon Resume later or Next then Previous (Gabriel Jenik). Question type button not visible after having chosen the type (Gabriel Jenik). Plugins: PasswordRequirement plugin is not working properly (Gabriel Jenik). Checkbox in the permission modal (Gabriel Jenik). Answers with 0 as value was not saved if encrypted (Denis Chenu). QuestionTheme settings are shown on Core theme settings (Gabriel Jenik). Current Page Values not saved if saving pressing Enter (Gabriel Jenik). Updated translation: Tagalog by c_schmitz. Updated translation: Slovak by jelen1. Updated translation: Portuguese (Portugal) by samarta. Updated translation: Polish by elissa. Updated translation: Polish (Informal) by elissa. Updated translation: Malay by astrasia, c_schmitz. Updated translation: Japanese by d_inoue. Updated translation: Italian (Informal) by c_schmitz. Updated translation: German by c_schmitz. Updated translation: German (Informal) by c_schmitz. Updated translation: French (France) by boheean. Updated translation: Finnish by Jmantysalo. Updated translation: Czech by jelen1. Updated translation: Czech (Informal) by jelen1. Updated translation: Bengali by PawelAtroszko.

GNU GPL survey php mysql mssql postgres

BallroomDJ 4 4.1.0 šŸ’¾

BallroomDJ 4 is a ballroom music player. It is designed to play music the entire evening without intervention. Manage your ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlist and sequenced playlists. BallroomDJ 4 is the replacement for BallroomDJ.

major feature: 4.1.0 beta 2023-2-16 * New Features: * Song Editor: Apply Adjustments. * Changes: * Linux: Updated player start/stop scripts to turn off and restore notifications. * Mac OS: Installer: Fix installation of http/ folder. * Song Editor: Duration display also shows adjusted duration. * Song Editor: BPM Range for the dance is now displayed. * Song Editor: BPM, song start, song end are adjusted for speed. * Support: Added BDJ4 download link. * User interface: Minor cleanup. * Bug Fixes: * Alternate Installer: Various bug fixes. * BPM Counter: Fix slow exit. * User Interface: Button Repeat is fixed. * Translations: * Nederlands: Fix incorrect queuedance special playlist name. * Nederlands updated. * Internal: * Code cleanup.

Zlib end-users linux macos windows player ballroom c gtk