ani-cli 4.2 šŸ’¾

ani-cli is a cli to browse and watch anime (alone AND with friends).

minor feature: allanime graphql. Co-authored-by: coolnsx lt; gt;. Co-authored-by: port19 lt; gt;. Co-authored-by: Derisis13 lt; gt;. Co-authored-by: chokerman lt; gt;.

GNU GPLv3 anime shell cli mpv iina vlc terminal bash macos-x console fzf

git 2.40.0 šŸ’¾

Git is a distributed version control system, originally designed for Linux kernel development and large projects with non-linear workflows. It's comprised of individual tools, reuses ssh and rsync protocols, emphasises speed and data integrity, and keeps every checkout as full-fledged repository, and cryptographically authenticates source history. Various graphical frontends, IDE integrations and web services (GitHub) exist; with its git-fast-export format meanwhile serves interoperability with bzr, hg, fossil, svn.

minor feature: merge-tree" learns a new `--merge-base` option. "git jump" (in contrib/) learned to present the "quicklist" to, its standard output (instead of letting it consumed by the editor, it invokes), and learned to also drive emacs/emacsclient. "git var UNKNOWN_VARIABLE" and "git var VARIABLE" with the variable, given an empty value used to behave identically. Now the latter, just gives an empty output, while the former still gives an error, message. Introduce a case insensitive mode to the Bash completion helpers. The advice message given by "git status" when it takes long time to, enumerate untracked paths has been updated. Just like "git var GIT_EDITOR" abstracts the complex logic to, choose which editor gets used behind it, "git var" now give support, to GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR. "git format-patch" learned to honor format.mboxrd even when sending, patches to the standard output stream, 'cat-file' gains mailmap support for its '--batch-check' and '-s', options. Conditionally skip the pre-applypatch and applypatch-msg hooks when, applying patches with 'git am'. Introduce an optional configuration to allow the trailing hash that, protects the index file from bit flipping. "git check-attr" learned to take an optional tree-ish to read the.gitattributes file from. "scalar" learned to give progress bar. "grep -P" learned to use Unicode Character Property to grok, character classes when processing b and w etc. "git rebase" often ignored incompatible options instead of, complaining, which has been corrected. "scalar" warns but continues when its periodic maintenance, feature cannot be enabled. The bundle-URI subsystem adds support for creation-token heuristics, to help incremental fetches. Userdiff regexp update for Java language. "git fetch --jobs=0" used to hit a (), which has been corrected, to use the available CPUs. An invalid label or ref in the "rebase -i" todo file used to, trigger an runtime error. SUch an error is now diagnosed while the, todo file is pa

GNU LGPL c git scm vcs dvcs

Vim 9.0.1403 šŸ’¾

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

minor feature: patch 9.0.1403: unused variables and functions Problem: Unused variables and functions. Solution: Delete items and adjust #ifdefs.

Other text-editor ide vi vim

Converseen šŸ’¾

Converseen is a batch image-processing application, which utilizes Qt5 for cross-platform support. It supports common image formats including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, TIFF and many others. It can process single or an selectable amount of files. Converseen allows resizing, size compression, rotation and flipping, file renaming. It can also split up PDF files into multiple images.

minor feature: Added decimal values in scaling by percentage. Various improvements in the user interface. Various.. 0.9.5 Ć¢ 2016-08-29 Latest. Porting to Qt5.

GNU GPLv3 c++ qt5 image-processing image-conversion

LimeSurvey 5.6.9 (build 230306) šŸ’¾

LimeSurvey is a web application that interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, or Postgres to develop surveys, publish surveys, and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created, data can be inserted into the survey either by a "pretty" public screen which presents each question one at a time, or by a quick and nasty data entry screen. It includes the capacity to generate individualized "tokens", so that invitations can be issued to participants. It also has the capacity to set conditions on whether questions will display (branching), numerous question types, and a basic statistics function.

minor feature: Unable to run integrity check on databases with a big number of surveys (Carsten Schmitz). High memory usage when exporting participants (Carsten Schmitz). Error when calculating quartiles on encrypted question (Carsten Schmitz). CT-44: Exporting survey participants exceeds PHP memory limit (Patrick Teichmann). Update DB from 491 break on home page (Denis Chenu). Upload file question type not accepting certain file names (Gabriel Jenik). Unnoticed data loss if field in response table it missing (Gabriel Jenik). On-page conditions not working when pre-filling question with equation on the same page (Denis Chenu). Updated translation: Valencian by vbraque. Updated translation: Russian by vipgroup. Updated translation: Portuguese (Portugal) by samarta. Updated translation: Japanese by d_inoue. Updated translation: German (Informal) by c_schmitz. Updated translation: German (Easy) by p_teichmann. Updated translation: Dutch by Han. Updated translation: Dutch (Informal) by Han. Updated translation: Basque by c_schmitz.

GNU GPL survey php mysql mssql postgres

delegated_vm_install 1.2.0 šŸ’¾

An Ansible role to install a libvirt virtual machine with virt-install and cloud-init. This role is designed to delegate the install to a libvirt hypervisor. It allows you to specify the Linux/libvirt KVM host as part of the virtual machine definition.

minor feature: default_user * Set vm.default_user.passwd to false by default to lock the user. Previous default setting was invalid cloud-init syntax. * Set to the USER evironment variable if ansible_user is not defined * Documentation updated

MITL ansible role libvirt cloudinit

stafwag_ansible-role-libvirt 1.1.0 šŸ’¾

An ansible role to install libvirt/KVM packages and enable the libvirtd service. Supported GNU/Linux Distributions Archlinux * AlmaLinux * Debian * Centos * Fedora * RedHat * Rocky * Suse * Ubuntu

minor feature: Install playbook * Moved all installation related tasks to install.yml to enable tasks_from in the include_role/import role ansible modules. * Documentation updated.

MITL ansible role libvirt kvm

Qt6 Configuration Tool 0.8 šŸ’¾

This program allows users to configure Qt6 settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt integration.

minor bugfix: added keywords entry to desktop file; fixed compatibility with applications that use own stylesheet; fixed font applying issue; updated Japanese translation

BSDL-2 qt6ct qt6

Pentobi 23.1 šŸ’¾

Pentobi is a computer opponent for the board game Blokus. It supports the game variants Classic, Duo, Trigon, Junior, Nexos, GembloQ and Callisto. Pentobi has different levels of playing strength, a game analysis function and can rate the playing strength of human players. Games can be saved and loaded in Smart Game Format including comments and move variations.

major bugfix: Overwriting game file on Android with shorter file created corrupted file.

GNU GPLv3 c++ game board-game

Concurrent.js 0.5.12 šŸ’¾

At the highest level of its design, Concurrent.js is a dynamic module importer like the `require` and `import` functions. But instead of loading a module into the main thread, it loads the module into a worker. It injects the concurrency behavior into every imported function and class so they can be used as usual. Concurrent.js works on web browsers, Node.js, and Deno.

minor feature:

MITL parallel-computing multithreading greenthreads reactive-programming

Dibuja 0.22.0 šŸ’¾

Simple to use paint program like Paintbrush for Mac or classic MS Paint, but for Linux.

major bugfix: - Gtk3 Gtk2 versions - Color pallet shows transparency - Option to leave cutout when creating selection - Opaque background for .jpeg and .bmp - New star brush - Five sided star now uses foreground color - View image sample for the image brush - Added drawing shape from corner (mouse drag + shift key) - For square - For circle - For rounded square - Added selection from corner (mouse drag + shift key) - For rectangle selection - For elliptical selection - Several under the hood fixes

GNU GPLv3 paint drawing image editor light raster-based editor gegl cairo

Calibre 6.14 šŸ’¾

Calibre is an e-book library management application, viewer and editor. It's also commonly used for e-book file format conversion and syncing to reader devices. Calibre also simplifies downloading news from the web and converting them into e-book form, and can act as content server for online access to your book collection.

minor feature: Release: 6.14 10 Mar, 2023 New features Edit metadata: When setting a cover from comic files allow choosing which page to use as the cover Allow display of columns built from other columns as comments in Book details Comments editor: Add a shortcut for "Paste and match style" (Ctrl+Shift+v). macOS: ToC Editor: mouse becoming unusable when trying to create a new entry When computing title sorts strip leading and trailing quotes, not just leading quotes. Content server viewer: searching only showing results from the current chapter onwards Check book: some incorrect line numbers reported in a few CSS error messages Improved news sources. Strange Horizons. The Saturday Paper. New Scientist. The Mainichi. DR Nyheder. New York Magazine. Bloomberg. Deccan Herald.

GNU GPLv3 python c++ ebook-reader e-book conversion

WackoWiki 6.1.19 šŸ’¾

WackoWiki is a light and easy to install multilingual Wiki-engine. Supports WYTIWYG-editing, section edit, page rights (ACLs), design themes (skins), file upload, email notification, URI router, template engine, session handler and much more. Compatible with PHP 7.3 - 8.2 and MariaDB / MySQL.

minor feature: Bug fix release for 6.1.x series, improves MIME type check and verify file extension check in upload handler, fixes file tool visualisation for 'all' and 'linked' mode, moved page tag pattern and file extension sets to constant array (self::PATTERN), moved wacko_language into wacko_translation , adds upload_allowed_exts option to config, adds file hash to file table (set missing file hash for legacy records via adminupdate action), adds duplicate file notices, skips now is_executable( dir) check for Windows in restore module, svg-sanitizer 0.15.4, miscellaneous minor fixes

BSDL php javascript mysql web-based documentation education wiki

ALT Starterkits 202303 šŸ’¾

ALT is a set of Linux distributions based on Sisyphus, an APT-enabled RPM package repository that aims to achieve feature completeness, usability, and security in a sensible and manageable mixture.

minor feature: Multiplatform set of reasonably minimalistic LiveCD/installer images updated with new versions: kernel 5.10.170/ 5.15.96; systemd 249.16, Mesa 22.3.1, Qt5 5.15.8, Firefox ESR 102.7.0. Builds changes: KDE5: 5.102.0 / 5.26.5 / 22.08.3; xfce-sysv: udev-rule-generator-net added; cnc-rt: Linux-rt 5.10.168, bCNC added; engineering: bCNC and simulide added, KiCad 6.11.

GNU GPL operating-system starterkit installation end-users developers livecd rescue desktop server security bbs communication communication commu

ALT Starterkits 202003 šŸ’¾

ALT is a set of Linux distributions based on Sisyphus, an APT-enabled RPM package repository that aims to achieve feature completeness, usability, and security in a sensible and manageable mixture.

minor feature: Multiplatform set of reasonably minimalistic LiveCD/installer images updated with new versions: kernel 5.10.170/ 5.15.96; systemd 249.16, Mesa 22.3.1, Qt5 5.15.8, Firefox ESR 102.7.0. Builds changes: KDE5: 5.102.0 / 5.26.5 / 22.08.3; xfce-sysv: udev-rule-generator-net added; cnc-rt: Linux-rt 5.10.168, bCNC added; engineering: bCNC and simulide added, KiCad 6.11.

GNU GPL operating-system starterkit installation end-users developers livecd rescue desktop server security bbs communication communication commu

Checkstyle 10.8.1 šŸ’¾

Checkstyle assists with source coding standard checking for Java. It supports the Sun or Google code conventions, but is flexible and configurable. It can be run as console tool, or integrated as ANT task.

minor feature: LocalizedMessage should use ModuleName in compareTo method. set-milestone-on-referenced-'. Specify violation messages in input files. Update documentation for AnnotationUseStyle. Execute upload of -all jar separately. Switch to PAT secret in set-milestone workflow. Remove execution of upload -all jar from new-milestone-and--in-other-repo. Update Tests to use new 'verifyXxxxxx' method or 'execute' that use inlined config in Input files. Add forgotten secret inherit in release. Create GitHub action to put current milestone on of PR. Use dynamic names for release workflow runs. Make action to trigger all release steps. CommitValidationTest fails on revert commits. Keep workflow input descriptions consistent.

MITL java coding-style syntax-checker command-line

GitLab 15.9.3 šŸ’¾

GitLab is a development collaboration tool and git DVCS frontend. It includes repository management features, code reviews, an issue tracker, activity feeds and wikis. GitLab provides fine-grained access control, user management, 5 permission levels and branch constraints, and can utilize LDAP/AD intranet authorization. Powered by Ruby on Rails it comes as open source package, and as commercial supported enterprise version.

minor bugfix: (2023-03-09). ### (4 changes). foreign_key_exists? migration helper (gitlab-org/gitlab@7b51239b18779acfe9876fb9467f1231f56d47b4) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!114005)). Enable Geo::RepositoryRegistrySyncWorker on Geo secondary site (gitlab-org/gitlab@57b542b4377bcc991b65f34a37397ac1d08846d9) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!114005)) GitLab Enterprise Edition. Guard against dropped columns when finalizing user details migration (gitlab-org/gitlab@939d646e2cbbbabf870e15fae384c0380d371111) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!114005)). object deletion not working with Azure Blob Storage (gitlab-org/gitlab@9515c7a334a43c0e580543029a8da5061bdc19ce) ( merge request (gitlab-org/gitlab!114005)).

MITL ruby ruby-on-rails git dvcs wiki bugtracker version-control

BallroomDJ 4 šŸ’¾

BallroomDJ 4 is a ballroom music player. It is designed to play music the entire evening without intervention. Manage your ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlist and sequenced playlists. BallroomDJ 4 is the replacement for BallroomDJ.

minor bugfix: 2023-3-9 * Bug Fixes * Song Editor: Fix volume adjustment processing.

Zlib end-users linux macos windows player ballroom c gtk

wxMaxima 23.03.0 šŸ’¾

wxMaxima is a document based interface for the computer algebra system Maxima. wxMaxima provides menus and dialogs for many common maxima commands, autocompletion, inline plots and simple animations.

minor feature: MacOs and Styling Make sure all bitmaps are valid on High-DPI MacOs. More styles consistency. Better configuration validation. Depending on the wxWidgets version Unicode letters were. interpreted inorrectly. The manual anchors cache now saves the file-per-chapter URLs, too. cmake -DWXM_DISABLE_WEBVIEW now allows to find wxWidgets, if. wxWebView wasn't compiled. Completely rewrote the dockable-sidebars-stuff. Many files are now build on demand, not at configure time.

GNU GPL mathematics cas maxima

BallroomDJ 4 4.3.0 šŸ’¾

BallroomDJ 4 is a ballroom music player. It is designed to play music the entire evening without intervention. Manage your ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlist and sequenced playlists. BallroomDJ 4 is the replacement for BallroomDJ.

minor feature: 4.3.0 2023-3-9 * New Features: * Song Editor: Implement batch editing. * Changes: * Configuration: Display Settings: Improve user experience for song editor display. * Internal: * Code cleanup.

Zlib end-users linux macos windows player ballroom c gtk

Concurrent.js 0.5.11 šŸ’¾

At the highest level of its design, Concurrent.js is a module loader like require and import. But instead of loading a module into the main thread, it loads the module into workers. It injects the concurrent behavior into the imported classes and functions so they can be used as usual. Concurrent.js has a "write less, do more" syntax and works on Node.js, Deno, and browsers.

minor feature:

MITL parallel-computing multithreading greenthreads reactive-programming

Gross greylisting server 1.0.3 šŸ’¾

Gross is a greylisting server. The features that make gross stand out from other greylisters are: - it's blazingly fast - it's amazingly resource efficient - it can be configured to query DNSBL databases, and enforce greylisting only for hosts that are found on those databases - it can block hosts that match multiple DNSBL's - it can be replicated and run parallel on two servers - It supports Sun Java System Messaging Server, Postfix, Sendmail and Exim.

minor feature: - properly handle IPv6 source addresses - check IPv6 addresses with DNSBL/DNSWL - fixed build with glibc (function name conflict) - fixed a number of errors found by static and dynamic analysis - fixed build with --enable-milter option (experimental) - fixed build with gcc -Werror=return-type - fixed mistakes in manual pages

ISC email-filter c posix linux bsd system-administrators

Vim 9.0.1395 šŸ’¾

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

minor feature: patch 9.0.1395: Odin files are not recognized Problem: Odin files are not recognized. Solution: Add a pattern for Odin files.

Other text-editor ide vi vim

RemTimer MDI 0.2 šŸ’¾

RemTimer MDI is a multi-timers application, which lets you set multiple timers - target time points, and see remaining time. Each timer is the separate widget inside a workspace area (multidocument widget), which is useful because it allows to rearrange timer widgets and hide/show all of them at once by hiding/showing the workspace area.

minor feature:

GNU GPL qt c++ utilities scheduling- time-tracking log

Samba 4.18.0 šŸ’¾

Samba is a software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients. It is freely available, unlike other SMB/CIFS implementations, and allows for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and Windows-based clients.

minor feature: Streams_xattr is creating unexpected locks on folders. New samba-dcerpc architecture does not scale gracefully. Avoid that tests fail because other tests didn apos;t do cleanup on Failure. fd_load() function implicitly the fd where it should not. Improve file_modtime() and around smb3 unix test. Spotlight doesn apos;t work with latest macOS Ventura. Build failure on solaris with tevent 0.14.0 (and ldb 2.7.0). tevent 0.14.1 and ldb 2.7.1 are already released...), vfs_ceph incorrectly uses fsp_get_io_fd() instead of. Fsp_get_pathref_fd() in and fstat. doesn apos;t work with SMBD_DONT_LOG_STDOUT=1. Improve file_modtime() and around smb3 unix test. Office365 azure Password Sync not working. auth3_generate_session_info_pac leaks wbcAuthUserInfo. With clustering enabled samba-bgqd can core dump due to use After free.

GNU GPLv3 communications file-sharing cifs windows

WordTsar 0.3.719 šŸ’¾

Wordstar for the 21st Century. WordTsar is a Wordstar 7.0D document mode clone. It loads Wordstar 4, Wordstar 7, RTF (partial) files, and DOCX (partial) and saves in Wordstar 7 and RTF format. Multi platform Windows, Linux, OSX

minor bugfix: A bunch of small things done in this one. **New Features** * implement KU - Mark Previous Block * Implemented QG - Go to Character... * Implemented QI - Go to page... * Implemented QDel and QY - delete line left of carat and line right of carat * Implemented QT - Delete to character... * Implemented Q= - Go to Next Font Tag * Implemented QH - Go to character backwards... * Implemented P - Move carat to previous position * Implemented QV - Go to last find and replace * Implemented OC - center line * Implemented O - right justify line * Implemented JJ - replaced J to bring up help * Implemented J@ J! J* J: J. J * Implemented out of order .tb values * Implemented .tb different delimiters (.tb 1cm,2cm 3cmz4cm is a valid tab specifier)

Affero GPLv3 word-processor c++ cross-plattform

CherryTree 0.99.55 šŸ’¾

A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file. Features: rich text formatting and colorization, syntax highlighting, images handling, embedded files, lists handling, simple tables, codeboxes, text/image/table alignment, hyperlinks, spell checking, cross application copy/paste, export to html or plain text, table-of-contents generation, extensive search function. It can import from Basket, Cherrytree, Epim html, Gnote, Keepnote, Keynote, KnowIt, MemPad, Notecase, TomBoy, Treepad Lite, TuxCards, Zim.

minor bugfix: Table actions: keyboard shortcuts now configurable in preferences dialog and available in toolbar configurability. Codebox actions: keyboard shortcuts now configurable in preferences dialog and available in toolbar configurability. Implemented conversion of multi level lists to real html unordered and ordered lists. Autosave in case the document was never saved before, to prompt the user for a storage type/path. Export to pdf crash. With font family name getting multiplied while zooming. Added support for executing c-sharp code. Windows version only - with font sub-pixel rendering present since 0.99.52. Incomplete languages: ar, bg, el, es, fi, fr, hi_IN, kk_KZ, kk_LA, ko, lt, pl, pt, pt_BR, ru, tr, zh_CN.

GNU GPLv3 gtk c text-editor note-taking

BallroomDJ 4 4.2.0 šŸ’¾

BallroomDJ 4 is a ballroom music player. It is designed to play music the entire evening without intervention. Manage your ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlist and sequenced playlists. BallroomDJ 4 is the replacement for BallroomDJ.

minor feature: 4.2.0 beta 2023-3-6 * New Features: * Music Manager: Double-click in list to edit song. * Player: Double-click in request list to add to music queue. * Song List Editor: Added swap function. * Song List Editor: Double-click in song selection to add song. * Song Selection: Shift-click is now working. * Bug Fixes: * Song Selection: Fix control-click. * Song Selection: Fix 'Date Added' filter. * Changes: * Song Editor: Changed Control-A to Control-Shift-A. * Automatic Playlists: Dance selection values adjusted. * Playlist Management: User Interface: Selecting the dance name no longer changes the selection. * Internal: * Code cleanup.

Zlib end-users linux macos windows player ballroom c gtk

Pentobi 23.0 šŸ’¾

Pentobi is a computer opponent for the board game Blokus. It supports the game variants Classic, Duo, Trigon, Junior, Nexos, GembloQ and Callisto. Pentobi has different levels of playing strength, a game analysis function and can rate the playing strength of human players. Games can be saved and loaded in Smart Game Format including comments and move variations.

major feature: Made saving, loading and MIME type handling of game files wirk with Flatpak.

GNU GPLv3 c++ game board-game

Vim 9.0.1380 šŸ’¾

Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems. Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

minor feature: patch 9.0.1380: CTRL-X on 264 subtracts two Problem: CTRL-X on 264 subtracts two. (James McCoy). Solution: Correct computation for large number.

Other text-editor ide vi vim

Artistic Style 3.2 beta 3 šŸ’¾

A Free, Fast, and Small Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C#, and Java Source Code.

minor bugfix: fixed project file search on Linux fix parsing of C# interpolation strings added man page to file install list fixed help messages of pad-param-type options added shell completion scripts added --mode=objc option

MITL formatting indentation

LimeSurvey 5.6.8 (build 230227) šŸ’¾

LimeSurvey is a web application that interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, or Postgres to develop surveys, publish surveys, and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created, data can be inserted into the survey either by a "pretty" public screen which presents each question one at a time, or by a quick and nasty data entry screen. It includes the capacity to generate individualized "tokens", so that invitations can be issued to participants. It also has the capacity to set conditions on whether questions will display (branching), numerous question types, and a basic statistics function.

minor feature: Answer code updates on base language are not reflected on secondary languages (Gabriel Jenik). Cannot copy a survey when using a survey alias (Gabriel Jenik). QuestionGroup- getGroupDescription() fails (Gabriel Jenik). Data entry screen incorrectly assigns 0 value to empty multiflex array checkbox values (master) (Adam Zammit). Can't validate phone number using regex if phone number starts with + (Gabriel Jenik). Updated translation: Ukrainian by c_schmitz. Updated translation: Malay by c_schmitz. Updated translation: English by lpomfret. Updated translation: Czech by jelen1.

GNU GPL survey php mysql mssql postgres

matplotlib 3.7.1 šŸ’¾

Python matplotlib is a for 2D plotting publication-ready figures in various formats, or rendering them interactively cross-platform. It can be scripted or used in Pythons interactive shell, within web applications, or through bindings with multiple GUI toolkits. It simplifies plot generation, histograms, power spectra, bar charts, error charts, scatter plots. Typical uses only require a few lines of code, while complex rendering is kept feasible. Its pyplot interface provides a MATLAB-style API.

minor feature: REL: 3.7.1 This is the first release of the 3.7.x series. This release contains several -and adjustments: Ensure Qhull license is included in binary wheels. application of rcParams on Axes labels. compatibility with Pandas datetime unit converter. compatibility with latest GTK4. import of styles with relative path. Lasso unresponsiveness when clicking and immediately releasing. pickling of draggable legends. RangeSlider.set_val when new value is outside existing value. size of Tk spacers when changing display DPI. wrapped text in constrained layout. Improve compatibility with third-party backends. Improve error if animation save path does not exist.

Python python plotting graphs science mathematics matlab matplot

Worker File Manager 4.12.0 šŸ’¾

Worker is a file manager for X11 with a classical two-panel and tabbed interface. It features an accessible configuration menu, binding external programs to hotkeys or menu buttons, and configurable commands per filetype. It can obviously edit, copy, rename files, directories and symlinks, set permissions, filtering, can also access virtual file systems (zip/tar/archive browsing, ftp access), includes a text viewer, search functionality, directory bookmarks, and media mounting.

minor feature: This release adds a configurable alternative font for the text view which can be used to use a monospace font if needed. The text selection and copy and paste has been improved as well. Other improvements and bug fixes have been done too.

GNU GPL c++ x11 file-manager directory-browser

Wine 8.3 šŸ’¾

Wine is an implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. It does not require Microsoft Windows, but can use native Windows DLLs if they are available. It provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows source code to Unix as well as a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unixes.

minor feature: Support for the Low Fragmentation Heap. Smard card support using PCSC-Lite. Bundled Zydis library for more correct disassembly. Various. #24256 3D Sexvilla 2: extremely long loading times, #34011 Path of Exile stutters constantly, #37146 Untis 2015 (.NET 4.0 app) crashes on startup with Wine-Mono, #37495 Multiple PC/SC applications need winscard.SCardEstablishContext implementation (AusweisApp2 1.x german identity card app, SmartCard test apps, Seneka EBDYS client, Aruba Key), #39113 Multiple PC/SC applications need winscard.SCardListReaders implementation (Aruba key, SmartCard test apps), #43224 Freelist scan can result in O(n) time when allocating, #45756 Button not clickable when dpi setting changed in Office 2007 Installer, #49113 Wine heap performs badly when multiple threads are concurrently allocating or freeing memory, #51259 6.0.1 Introduces error causing Wavelab to when loading presets, #52506 Setup of game quot;What #039;s the Secret? quot; fails to create icon, #53094 ntdll:rtlstr test crashes on win32 arch with hi-IN locale, #53176 KeePassXC needs Windows.Security.Credentials.KeyCredentialManager (UWP), #53504 Sacred:unhandled exception in Wine 7.14, #53728 Escape from Tarkov needs DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_TARGET_NAME) implementation, #54112 rouvy : fails to update with server, unimplemented function bthprops.cpl.BluetoothRegisterForAuthenticationEx, #54149 shlwapi:ordinal - test_SHFormatDateTimeA() fails on the mixed locales configuration, #54338 Swift crashes due to unimplemented api-ms-win-core-realtime-l1-1-1.dll.QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise function, #54432 Missing ntdll.RtlAddressInSectionTable() implementation causes all GraalVM Native Image exes to crash on load, #54475 Hardwar UIM6.0 crashes in 8.0, doesn #039;t in 6.0.3, #54534 dbghelp:dbghelp - The test_loaded_modules() enumeration fails on Windows 10 1607, #54559 riched20:editor - test_EM_GETSELTEXT() fails in th

GNU LGPL c x86 windows win32 emulator compatibility library desktop operating-system

Kamailio SIP Server 5.5.6 šŸ’¾

Kamailio (formerly OpenSER) is a high-performance SIP (RFC3261) server with a flexible architecture and many extensions. The server implements proxy, registrar, redirect, and location SIP/VoIP services. It has support for UDP, TCP, TLS, and SCTP transport layers, DNSsec, ENUM, AAA via database, RADIUS, DIAMETER, gateways to SMS and XMPP, least cost routing, load balancing, NAT traversal, and call processing language. Kamailio implements SIMPLE presence and instant messaging extensions, and includes an embedded XCAP server and MSRP relay, IMS/VoLTE extensions. It can be also used as a routing SIP sever for WebRTC via WebSocket.

minor feature: Version 5.5.6 Maintenance release of the stable branch 5.5 that. Includes since the release of v5.5.5. There is no change to. Database schema or configuration language structure that you have to do. on previous installations of v5.5.x. Deployments running previous v5.5.x. Versions are strongly recommended to be upgraded to v5.5.6. Note that 5.5 is the second last stable branch, still officially maintained. by Kamailio development team. The latest stable branch is 5.6, with. v5.6.4 being release out of it. For more details about version 5.5.6 (including links and guidelines to. Download the tarball or from GIT repository), visit: Https://

GNU GPL sip voip webrtc volte ims telephony messaging